A few non boat facts:
- I grew up in various parts of rural Scotland; never in one place long enough to put down roots. I’ve also lived in England and America; spent time in Russia and Canada; and visited New Zealand and Germany.
- When I was 13 I taught myself to program from a book that was lying around the computer department at school. I sometimes wonder how different my life would be if that book hadn’t been there, given that’s my career now and I dropped out of university.
- My son is dual national British/Russian and lives in Canada. I speak to him nearly every day; he visits in school breaks.
- I believe I see the world differently to most people. I attribute this to a combination of growing up outside mainstream culture (no television, music, friends, etc) and having been in an improbably wide range of different circumstances throughout life.
- I’ve been paying close attention to climate change and the potential for civilizational collapse since 2007, I see this as an important concern for our future both individually and collectively.